بحث هذه المدونة الإلكترونية


 Today, the old walled medina is threatened by processes which have been set in motion by both natural andanthropogenic causes. Salt-water intrusion, land subsidence, coastal erosion and overexploitation of water resources contribute in particular to the degradation of the urban context. Protection of the surroundings ofEssaouira's ecosystem is a condition for its survival.
Source: Urban Development and Freshwater Resources. UNESCO, 1996.
Updated for the CSI home page in February 1997

Halte à la destruction du patrimoine historique de la ville d'ESSAOUIRA (MOGADOR) (2011)

Action plan for integrated town development: priorities:

Remmparts of medina Scala Essaouira
Ramparts of the medina of Essaouira
and Scala of the Kasbah
Remparts of Medina Mellah Essaouira
Ramparts of the Medina vers Mellah
 1. Restoration of the Medina and feasibility study of a wave-breaker project far from the historic Medina, in order to stop the progressive coastal erosion;

Mellah Essaouira Medina

2. Temporary relocation of endangered families still living in the houses next to the wall;
3. Rehabilitation of the historic habitat through the creation of various activities and the delivery of sanitary equipment into the Medina, in order to help the most disadvantaged families;
The Dunes at Scala
Dunes at Plage Safi

4. Protection and re-establishment of the dunal coastal environment;
5. Prevention of contamination in seaand freshwater environment;
Learn more in Ecology
Danisih Consulate
The Danish Consulate

6. Rehabilitation of the three historical monuments of the city (Danish Consulate and the two Scalas of the port).

See aslo
The Danish Consulate
The historical monuments of Essaouira are marked by a rather original architecture. It combines the Arab-Muslim art in European architecture of the Renaissance. In addition, Essaouira is the only Moroccan medina, where streets are straight and intersect at right angles.
Some of the historical monuments are:

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