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I miss to visite Essaouira


Essaouira is the modern name of the famous historic city of Mogador. It offers an ocean climate, marvellous beach, A fishing port, impressive fortifications and a beautiful Medina, the plan of which was laid out by the French engineer Théodore Cornu.

This plan was commissioned by Sultan Mohammed ben Abdallah, who in 1764, had the idea of creating a free commerce zone, drawing up trade treaties with the French, Portuguese and Spanish.

As far back as the VII century B.C.E the Phoenicians used the bay of Essaouira and the islands off the city to anchor their ships.

The largest island was the source of purpura – a highly desirable material during the Roman era, which comes from a particular sea mollusc. In the fourteenth century the Portuguese established themselves along the Moroccan coast.

As a consequence of its rich histroy, Essaouira, with its 40,000 inhabitants, is nowadays the most poliglot of Moroccan cities.

Here in Essaouira the Atlantic winds offer unbeatable conditions for surf lovers.

One a year a music festival is held, internationally renowned and which, every year, attracts greater numbers of visitors.

The Medina is car-free and luggage and merchandise are transported using hand cart.

                                   the hestory of essaouira

he land where Essaouira now stands has been a valuable trade center for nearly three thousand years. The Phoenicians first established a settlement here in the seventh century BC, naming it Migdol. The settlement quickly grew as many flocked to the city to take part in the production of a purple dye made from a local mollusk, the murex. This dye was extremely valuable, as it would be used to color the robes of high-ranking government officials and the wealthy of Phoenician and Roman society for centuries.

In the late 15th century, the Portuguese, envious of the city’s trade and strategic position, captured the city and renamed it Mogador.  In 1506, Manuel I, the king of Portugal, ordered that a fortress be built in Mogador. This fortress was named “Castelo Real de Mogador.” By 1541, the Portuguese had lost control of the area to the native Saadians. Throughout most of the 16th century, Mogador remained an important trade centre through its exportation of sugar and molasses.

By the mid 1700s, Mogador’s significance as a trade port had diminished significantly. In an effort to revive this rich trade heritage, Sultan Sidi Mohammed ben Abdallah employed the services of French architect Théodore Cornut in 1765 to construct a city that would once again return the area to a place of prominence in international trade. The Sultan found the merging of the local Moroccan architecture with the Frenchman’s work to be very pleasing. As a result, the Sultan renamed the city Essaouira, which means “well designed.” Essaouira soon became an important part of the trade route that connected Timbuktu to Europe. Fine goods such as ivory, spices, salt, ostrich feathers, and gold were all shipped through this North African port.

In 1912, the French changed the city’s name back to Mogador, which remained the city’s name until Morocco declared its independence in 1956. It was only then that the city was once again named Essaouira.

The early 1950’s saw Orson Welles use Essaouira for his film rendition of Shakespeare’s classic work, Othello. Many movie critics consider the film to be Welles’ finest cinematic work. At the time of Welles death, it was the only movie that he had worked on that he owned.

The 1960’s and 70’s saw Essaouira become a source of musical inspiration for famous musicians, such as Jimi Hendrix and
 Stevens, as well as a haven for hippies. More recently, Essaouira has gained the reputation as being one of the best places to surf in northern Africa as surfers, wind surfers, and kite surfers have all found Essaouira’s long, sandy beach to be a perfect place to catch great waves.

                                    what are the activities

The city of Essaouira is a breathtaking escape on the Atlantic coast of Morocco, and it provides something new to explore everyday.

For those just wanting a weekend getaway full of relaxation, you can sit by the beach and take in the sea breeze or relax by partaking in a traditional Moroccan spa, called a ‘hammam.’ There are numerous activities for sports enthusiasts that include wind, kite, and traditional surfing; the waves of the beach are known around the world as being some of the best for surfing sports. Unique to Essaouira, there are also various ways to explore the beach, including horseback, camel, or even jump sand dunes on quads (aka 4 wheelers).

The city also has a multitude of historic sites to see that will transport you to centuries past, such as the Skala de la Ville and Skala du Port, which were once used to protect the city from invaders. The views from these sites are unforgettable. The sites, sounds, and feel of Essaouira speak for themselves, even Hollywood knows its beauty and has filmed numerous movies here such as Orson Welles “Othello” and Ridley Scott’s “Kindgom of Heaven.” Essaouira also has a flourishing medina full of souks and bazaars to shop and find hidden treasures different from anywhere else in Morocco.

Essaouira is an enchanting city that will provide unforgettable memories of enjoyment for all; you’ll have a hard time saying .

                          the menu of food is to delecious

 There are numerous cafes and restaurants to visit in the medina, with a wide variety of menu choices, from authentic Moroccan cuisine to traditional Italian. For those wanting a quick cup of tea or coffee, the small cafes located in the main city square, such as Place Moulay Hassan, are a wonderful stop. It is here that you can interact best with the locals. If you want a traditional meal, many of the cafes and restaurants located within the medina can make it happen.

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